Seasons R Coooooool

This is the first time I put a title on my blog, so I am proud of myself!!!! Anyways I think it’s hard to pick a season im general. Well first off, i DO NOT like spring because the endless amount of pollen in georgis drives me crazy. But if there were not to be pollen then I think spring would be a pretty great season. Spring and fall are similar in this way because both seasons are a mix of hot sunny days and the cold win, which makes a pleasant combination. The thing about summer is that I like the sun and going to the pool, however it can get reall really hot. Being outside in the hot weather makes me less motivated to do anything, less motivated than i already am. The thing about winter is that it is the cuddling season. There is endless hot chocolate, and warm comfy clothes. However being me, i cannot take the cold weather and I am only able to last it if I am in one place, surrounded by everything I need and A LOT OF BLANKETS.

Well now you basically know a lot about me, and that was not the point of this sooooooo back to the topic of this blog. Overall my favorite season of all is fall. Fall has the pleasant weather, all you may need is a jacket to carry around if it’s too cold. However everything is so beautiful. The leaves change to an array if beautiful reds, yellows, browns, and oranges. In the fall I’m always in the mood to collect the colorful, fallen leaves and take them home with you. The air is filled with different sounds- such as the crunching of leaves as people go on walks outside to admire the weather. Not only that but everyone has started to get into the rhythm of school and work. Personally I feel like everyone is just really happy. Also Halloween is in October, which is fall. LASTLY THIS FALL IS GONNA BE THE BEST BECAUSE GUESS WHO HAS TICKETS TO THE ONEDIRECTION CONCERT!! HECK YEA I DO AND IT IS ALSO IN THE FALL. SO IM GLAD FOR FALL, IT IS ONE OF THE BEST SEASONS.

(Just for your info, so that you may know what’s going on in my life. . . I was about to post this, and then I deleted it, so basically I just worked super hard, and now it’s gone so yea. . .) Anyways I believe that Romeo and Juliet are truly in love. Juliet is so deeply in love with Romeo, or should I say his FACE (III, ii, line #23- 27)(“Give me my Romeo. And when I shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun”), just as Romeo, who by the way falls in love with every girl he sees, is in love with her FACE. But at the end of the day they are in love,which means that I do believe what they have with each other was love at first sight. Also, Juliet mentions how angry she is that the one man she falls in love with, has to be her parents biggest enemy, a Montague; “My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late! (I, vi, line #138). From the same area of the play, Romeo says, “Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night like a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear, beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear. So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows as yonder lady o’er her fellows shows. The measure done, I’ll watch her place of stand, and, touching hers, make blessèd my rude hand. Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night” (line #42). Here Romeo describes Juliet’s beauty, and talks about how she stands out from other women, and compares her to different jewelry. One of my favorite parts from the play where they talk about how much they love each other, would have to be the part where they are talking about changing their own name in order for them to be able to ‘actually love each other’. Juliet says, “O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I’ll no longer be a Capulet.” (II, ii, line# 33) Romeo then says, “I take thee at thy word: call me but love, and I’ll be new baptis’d; henceforth I never will be Romeo.” (II, ii, line# 49) All in all, I think that Romeo and Juliet are deeply in love, which is one of the reasons that so many books and movies, copy the plot of this play.




I think this is actually a very good idea. If you were to look at the effects you could see that kids would actually perform better in school. I believe the reason that so many kids are careless about their grades is because their parents don’t do anything. If they get a bad grade, then the parents don’t get angry or they don’t mind. I believe if parents were to get graded, then they would push their children to do better in school. This would show an overrall improvement in education nationwide. If one were to say nothing were to work, I believe you are wrong because in every person there is a piece of them that feels dissapointed if they get a satisfactory, or needs improvement, even if it’s on something such as how they are working with their child. Even if parents still do not care, there will be no loss. I have personally seen the difference in a child whose parents have kept working with their children compared to parents who do not. Even if the child is independent, I believe it will help them. I think this will be fantastic to do in highschool, because even though the children are older, their parents are wiser and have more knowledge, therefore it can still work. However, I definately do not think you should tie a teachers pay to the idea of whether their studenta are doing well or not.

All in all, I think it is extremely likely that all of school will take place digitally, like on technology. However, I personally am not so eager about the thought of that. I think school should involve discipline, which means actually getting up, and going to school. School should be about learning and I think someone learns best in the proper environment. They can be hands- on, while socializing. The thing with everything being on the computer, is that it has several risks, that we are already starting to see today. For example, being on the computer, or digital uses can transfer radiation to your body, which causes cancer. Not only that, but the more we let technology take over us, the less we are allowing for actual human to human socialization, which is very important. Lastly, we should not have digital, or so called online school because that basically just causes us to become lazy and decreases exercise. I mean in school we don’t get a lot of exercise, but at least walking from one class to the next is something. This personally would not be effective for me because I am a hands- on learner, and I cannot learn on digital technology. I think my eyes would just get tired at looking at the screen, plus I would get exhausted from sitting around and learning.

I disagree, and think that students should not be required to study film in school. I have not only watched films of all genres, and learned about the history of film, but I have as well read classics, and other types of literature, such as fables, short stories, non- fiction, fiction, and sic- fi. It makes little sense to me about why anyone would choose film over literature. Literature has a history, film has little but black and white, to sound, to modern day film. In literature, you have stories, that were passed down generation to generation that are now written as fables. Then you have classics like Pride and Prejudice. You also have Shakespeare, who wrote famous plays like hamlet. Now you have Harry Potter, Divergent, The Hunger Games, and many more. Not only does reading make you smarter, but reading is just fun and you can learn a lot. With film, it’s like watching TV. TV dulls children’s brains, and slows down their ability to think. Would you really want to make the future’s kids dumber?

“So what college do you want to go to? What do you want to be when you grow up?” These seem to be the never ending questions we are asked by EVERY SINGLE adult. “Ummmm I’m not quite sure yet,” we respond. “Oh don’t you worry! You have PLENTY of time to decide,” every grown up says. But actually time is running out. These next four years will be over in no time, and pretty soon all of us will be going off to college. Exactly which college though, is unknown. Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Harvard, athe these names are by default the schools I am raised to go to. Your parents, aunts, uncles, and cousinsall went to great schools, now you have to go to even better! . . . that is with a scholarship though. . . I have schools in mind, the question is will I get in, will I get a scholarship, or will I have to face the never ending lectures from family members about how I was not accepted into one of the best schools. At the end of the day though, I want to go to Stanford, but I know I will have to work nearly a million times harder than I am working right now. However I can’t just say I wanna go to Stanford, then say that’s that. There arefactors I have to look into. Going to a college some way far from Georgia would be a dream, and hey going to college out of the country doesn’t sound that bad either. However cost would be something I need to consider. Even if my parents had a college fund saved up for me, I would have the constant nagging in the back of mind that I wanna be one of those kids who payed a bit for their college.

However once getting into college,choosing a profession, or something to major in would be quite difficult. Once again therea would be the constant nagging from family members to become a lawyer, or a doctor, or a businessman. The truth is, there are so many professions out in the real world, that I don’t even know which one to pick. So at the end of the day, it’s not choosing the college which is the difficult factor, but actually getting into colleges of your choice, pand then picking a profession.

Girl Rising

Movies made and books written can serve special purposes to make our world a better place for all human beings. Movies like “Schindler’s List” and books like “Diary of Anne Frank” remind us of the horrors of the holocaust. These pieces of art make an impact on our collective conscience, so that such events do not occur in the future. There are many movies that are under appreciated and aren’t so called “household names”, but if there is one movie that deserves a lot of recognition, it’s Girl Rising. Girl Rising is a documentary that follows 9 girls from around the world and their fight to get educated. This movie was inspired by Malala Yousafzai, the 14 year-old Pakistani girl shot on her school bus by the Taliban for standing up for her own education. Each girl in this documentary is stopped by poverty, and even more horrifying things such as child birth and sexual assault, and labor. This documentary makes a more proving point of how in our time money and power overcomes all types of humanitarianism. However, females fighting for education is not something new, this movie doesn’t just show girls education, but it goes to prove female rights, and women standing up for themselves, because if women don’t stand up for themselves,then no one will standup for them.  

The girls in this film range from about 5 years to 17 and almost all of them are struggling with not only poverty, but sexual assault, and  marriage. This movie speaks out for girls. It was shown on CNN, yet no one knows about it, and it was only rated 3 stars. We need more movies like these to be produced, because movies like these are the gateway to our future.  A more widespread showing of this film in not only common movie theatres, but on DVD and aeroplanes would make our awareness of women’s education in third worldcountries greater, thus not only educating women around the world, but improving gender equality globally. This movie makes a more proving point that by educating a girl you can not only raise a countries GDP, but stop the rising numbers of overpopulation, and the spreading of aids. If you ever get the chance to see this movie, then you have to! You WILL NOT regret it.


“…readers aren’t viewers; they recognize their pleasures as different from that of being entertained.  Once you’ve pressed the ON button, the TV goes on, and all you have to do is sit and stare.  But reading is active…it can’t lull you with surging music or deafen you with screeching laugh tracks or fire gunshots in your living room; you have to listen to it in your head…It won’t do the work for you.  To read a story well is to follow it, to act it, to feel it, to become it–everything short of writing it, in fact.”

React to her quote.  What text have you read that let you feel this kind of involvement?  Do you find this “active” reading difficult? 


I completely agree to this quote. After a while watching TV can get boring, and your eyes can start to hurt. However, reading is completely different. You sit there, your eyes scanning each word of the page, your brows furrowing at times in disbelief. Reading is like TV in your head, but better. You can picture things your own way, characters appear to you in unique ways, making you fall in love with the story even more.

I think however, if you enjoy the book, then there is no reason you would find reading or ‘involvement’ difficult. Although, if the book is uninteresting to you, or difficult to read in its reading level then reading will be difficult.

Most of the books I read are fun to read. For example once i start a book, I always imagine each detail a certain way. So I can picture everything. When I start the book it’s as if im watching a movie in my head thats being created as I continue ahead. The Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and Twilight series were all series where i felt involvement. I remember I would be unable to put down the books, even getting teary eyed at times (especially the end of the 7th Harry Potter book, I cried a lot. . .) However, there are times and phases where reading books are the best thing ever, you just have to find one good enough.

9/23: Which came first–violence in the media, or a violent society?  Did media violence cause our society to become more violent, or is violent media just a reflection of our own increasing brutality?  Give an example to defend your answer.

In my opinion, I think that a violent society was first to come. In order for the media to become brutal and violent, the media would have had to first reflect those negative actions of the public. For example, if one random person were to do something violent, such as protests, then the media would see this and would learn from the person who started the negativity. The media would then reflect the actions, maybe by being too pushy. One person’s negative actions are shown in the media, which is exactly how the media then turns violent. If the people are pushy and annoying to the government for example, then the media does the same as they think since the public can do it, so can we. However, there comes a point when the violence starts to become worse and worse and no one realizes what has been happening all along.

Although, this does not exactly have to do with the media, it relates: currently, our world is surrounded by violence in real life. All this real life violence is then reflected in movies and in people’s actions. So in a way its a repeating cycle that starts with the people and continues on forever; people, media, people, media, etc. . .

“There will come a time when it isn’t ‘They’re spying on me through my phone’ anymore. Eventually, it will be ‘My phone is spying on me’.”

In my opinion, Philip Dick is saying something very valuable. We notice how many parents warn their children to not post their pictures online and talk to strangers online. No one knows who is going to see any of that information. Not only should people be worried about privacy due to the whole NSA thing, but even complete strangers can be creepy at time, and you won’t even know they are there. We are getting very advanced in technology, but there will come a point where we will become so advanced we won’t realize all the negative effects (kind of like dystopia. . .) I think that people should be cautious and should watch what they put online before they do anything because you never know what it might lead to