I disagree, and think that students should not be required to study film in school. I have not only watched films of all genres, and learned about the history of film, but I have as well read classics, and other types of literature, such as fables, short stories, non- fiction, fiction, and sic- fi. It makes little sense to me about why anyone would choose film over literature. Literature has a history, film has little but black and white, to sound, to modern day film. In literature, you have stories, that were passed down generation to generation that are now written as fables. Then you have classics like Pride and Prejudice. You also have Shakespeare, who wrote famous plays like hamlet. Now you have Harry Potter, Divergent, The Hunger Games, and many more. Not only does reading make you smarter, but reading is just fun and you can learn a lot. With film, it’s like watching TV. TV dulls children’s brains, and slows down their ability to think. Would you really want to make the future’s kids dumber?

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