Seasons R Coooooool

This is the first time I put a title on my blog, so I am proud of myself!!!! Anyways I think it’s hard to pick a season im general. Well first off, i DO NOT like spring because the endless amount of pollen in georgis drives me crazy. But if there were not to be pollen then I think spring would be a pretty great season. Spring and fall are similar in this way because both seasons are a mix of hot sunny days and the cold win, which makes a pleasant combination. The thing about summer is that I like the sun and going to the pool, however it can get reall really hot. Being outside in the hot weather makes me less motivated to do anything, less motivated than i already am. The thing about winter is that it is the cuddling season. There is endless hot chocolate, and warm comfy clothes. However being me, i cannot take the cold weather and I am only able to last it if I am in one place, surrounded by everything I need and A LOT OF BLANKETS.

Well now you basically know a lot about me, and that was not the point of this sooooooo back to the topic of this blog. Overall my favorite season of all is fall. Fall has the pleasant weather, all you may need is a jacket to carry around if it’s too cold. However everything is so beautiful. The leaves change to an array if beautiful reds, yellows, browns, and oranges. In the fall I’m always in the mood to collect the colorful, fallen leaves and take them home with you. The air is filled with different sounds- such as the crunching of leaves as people go on walks outside to admire the weather. Not only that but everyone has started to get into the rhythm of school and work. Personally I feel like everyone is just really happy. Also Halloween is in October, which is fall. LASTLY THIS FALL IS GONNA BE THE BEST BECAUSE GUESS WHO HAS TICKETS TO THE ONEDIRECTION CONCERT!! HECK YEA I DO AND IT IS ALSO IN THE FALL. SO IM GLAD FOR FALL, IT IS ONE OF THE BEST SEASONS.

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